Default Dinosaur Script - for modders

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Default Dinosaur Script - for modders

Post by TheIdiot »

Here's a little something I wrote up one day for the RTJP dinosaurs so I could keep their scripting consistent; I thought it might be useful for all modders. Basically it's just a compiled list of almost all the variables that can be inserted into a dinosaur's TScript. I believe some of the values are based on the TC~Isle compsognathus, so some of the float values will have to be tweaked. I suggest making a backup of the TScript before pasting this in so you can retain the float variables as well as the string values and such. Everything else can be tweaked to your liking. I find it really helps to create a uniform script that can be added to all dinosaurs and make it easier to find and modify the values you need, as well as make it faster to edit scripts without having to use the Script Reference. :) If you want to keep it on your PC, just select the whole thing and paste it into a text file.
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Code: Select all

    int ext_GeometryType = 1
    string Class = "CAnimal"
    string SoundMaterial = "DINO-FOOT"
    bool Curved = true
    int Archetype = 0
    int Dinosaur = 1
    int Team = 1
    float WalkOver = 1.250000
    float JumpOver = 2.750000
    float WalkUnder = 0.250000
    float CrouchUnder = 0.500000
    float JumpDistance = 3.000000
    float JumpUp = 3.000000
    float JumpDown = 4.000000
    float Bravery = 0.200000
    float HitPoints = 40.000000
    float MaxHitPoints = 100.000000
    float CriticalHit = 50.000000
    float Regeneration = 0.250000
    float ReallyDie = -10.000000
    float DieRate = 1.000000
    float Width = 0.250000
    float Height = 1.000000
    float HeadReach = 0.800000
    float TailReach = 0.500000
    float ClawReach = 0.200000
    float MoveableMass = 5.000000
    float Speed = 1.000000
    float Mouth = 0.800000
    string Type = "Raptor"
    int PVA = -2
    float WakeUp = 32.000000
    float Sleep = 32.000000
    string Head = "$DinoHead-00"
    string Body = "$DinoBody-00"
    string Tail = "$DinoTail-00"
    string Foot = "$DinoRFoot-00"
    string LeftFoot = "$DinoLFoot-00"
    int NumJoints = 21
    int NumDoubleJoints = 6
    bool TerrainPathfinding = true
    float SenseTerrain = 2.000000
    float SenseObjects = 3.000000
    float SenseAnimates = 3.000000
    int MaxNodes = 15
    float MaxPathLength = 4.000000
    float Fear = 0.200000
    float Love = 0.030000
    float Anger = 0.025000
    float Curiosity = 0.400000
    float Hunger = 0.100000
    float Thirst = 0.100000
    float Fatigue = 0.050000
    float Pain = 0.000000
    float Solidity = 0.500000
    float PlayerFear = 0.200000
    float PlayerLove = 0.030000
    float PlayerAnger = 0.025000
    float PlayerCuriosity = 0.400000
    float PlayerHunger = 0.100000
    float PlayerThirst = 0.100000
    float PlayerFatigue = 0.050000
    float PlayerPain = 0.000000
    float PlayerSolidity = 0.500000
    float DamageFear = 0.200000
    float DamageLove = -0.015000
    float DamageAnger = 0.075000
    float DamageCuriosity = -0.200000
    float DamageHunger = 0.020000
    float DamageThirst = 0.020000
    float DamageFatigue = 0.050000
    float DamagePain = 0.250000
    float DamageSolidity = -0.250000
    bool ActEat = true
    bool ActRam = true
    bool ActDrink = true
    bool ActJumpBite = true
    bool ActShoulderCharge = true
    bool ActTailSwipe = true
    bool ActOuch = true
    bool ActHelp = true
    bool ActHowl = true
    bool ActSnarl = true
    bool ActCroon = true
    bool ActDie = true
    bool ActMoveToward = true
    bool ActJump = true
    bool ActMoveAway = true
    bool ActDontTouch = true
    bool ActWander = true
    bool ActStalk = true
    bool ActCircle = true
    bool ActFlee = true
    bool ActPursue = true
    bool ActJumpBack = true
    bool ActGetOut = true
    bool ActApproach = true
    bool ActDash = true
    bool ActMoveBy = true
    bool ActLookAt = true
    bool ActTaste = true
    bool ActSniffTarget = true
    bool ActCockHead = true
    bool ActRearBack = true
    bool ActBackAway = true
    bool ActCower = true
    bool ActGlare = true
    bool ActSniff = true
    bool ActLookAround = true
    bool ActNothing = true
    bool ActTestHeadCock = true
    bool ActTestHeadOrient = true
    bool ActTestWagTail = true
    bool ActTestMouth = true
    bool ActBite = true
    float BiteTargetDistance = 5.000000
    bool ActFeint = true
    float FeintTargetDistance = 5.000000
    bool ActStayNear = true
    bool ActStayAway = true
    string StayNearTarget = "StayNear00-00"
    float StayNearMax = 1.000000
    float StayNearOK = 1.000000
    string StayAwayTarget = "StayAway00-00"
    float StayAwayMin = 1.000000
    float StayAwayOK = 1.000000
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