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Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:51 am
by Nem

The Concept:

The Trespasser: Legacy project consists of 3 levels, featuring custom models and a new atmospheric soundtrack. The setting is losely based on The Lost World novel by Michael Crichton, with key locations being recreated throughout the levels.

"(...) They continued on another hundred yards, the road still curving slowly along the ridge. The
surrounding foliage became sparser; through gaps in the ferns Thorne could see wooden
outbuildings, all painted identical green. They seemed to be utility structures, perhaps sheds for
equipment. He had the sense of entering a substantial complex.
And then, suddenly, they rounded a curve, and saw the entire complex spread out below them.
It was about a half-mile away.
Eddie said, "What the hell is that?" (...)"

The Story:

Kate is a young adventurer, always looking for the next thrill. While spending holidays in Costa Rica, Kate decides to take her private plane and fly over the beautiful cluster of islands belonging to Costa Rica.

While approaching a chain of five islands,The warnings of Costa Rican air traffic controllers forbidding the approach to these particular islands feed her curiosity to check them out. While approaching the first island, ignoring the radio warnings, Kate spots two unusually large birds straight ahead of her path. Kate corrects the direction to one side, but the animals are approaching quickly, the first one scraps the top of the cockpit, the wind shield shatters. Kate, stunned, can do nothing but brace herself for the second impact. This time the left wing is badly damaged, the animal torn apart. The plane starts rolling left, the controls are unresponsive, Kate disoriented, holds on to the seat and prepares for the imminent crash...

Trespasser: Legacy Part I available for download here.
Original discussion topic here.
Trespasser: Legacy Part II & III TBD.

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:19 pm
by Draconisaurus
Awesome. 8)

...The permissions for this forum weren't set right I guess.. I'm not sure how you were able to get into it, but I wasn't even allowed to view the posts, so no one else has yet either.. I altered the forum to have the same permissions as the JPDS public forum for now.. we'll get this all sorted out properly in time.

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:38 pm
by TheRaptorKiller
Awesome I dont think I've played Legacy yet i'll have to play it now.

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:31 pm
by Second Illiteration
Following the novel eh....carnotaurus'???? I sure hope so

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:29 pm
by Draconisaurus
SI, you ought to tell Nem about your carno ideas in private.. he might just be interested in implementing them, and I think there might be some great places for it from what I've seen of the design.

(PS: Do you still have that mini level you showed me to demo the effect? I've long since lost it on an old system install..)

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:54 pm
by Second Illiteration
Draconisaurus wrote:SI, you ought to tell Nem about your carno ideas in private.. he might just be interested in implementing them, and I think there might be some great places for it from what I've seen of the design.

(PS: Do you still have that mini level you showed me to demo the effect? I've long since lost it on an old system install..)

I'm sure I have it somewhere yes. And I recall talking with nem about doing that sometime in the past, but maybe i'm wrong

Re: Trespasser: Legacy Project

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:02 am
by Draconisaurus
I see.. Well if you could email it to me (provided it's small enough to do so), I'd be quite happy :P That would be funny, though, if it's really still buried in my email somewhere..