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Diary 7: Site B Construction (September 3rd, 1986)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:57 pm
by John Parker Hammond
well, well...

By leaps and bounds, were making the upmost progress in our permanent construction tables. The park seems to be making good timing on build times, also.

We had started to group together our best for plans to build certain important buildings on our other island for "Site B" as we call it, simply because Nublar is our "Site A". Site B has come since then with evenb more tedious building then Site A, we have already been informed our Embryonics Administration building will be complete in a few weeks, as rainfall has only delayed a few days. The building was nicely designed in a similar design to our very own Visitors Center, and i do expect to take a look once the building is completed and we can add the furniture in. The thing that gets me nervous is our specimens and animals on temporary growth cells, i do expect to get them to the EA building soon. I have another meeting, joy...

The pen always mightier then the word,
